“偶像崇拜”发展至今,从土和水混合制成的偶像到手机荧幕上广为流传的佛 祖GIF图,跨越媒介,融合了通俗的、平民化的审美,色彩鲜艳,“制作精良,直抵灵魂”。仅仅为祈求平安福乐或者财富名望,为‘偶像’赋予现世价值和寄托期望,功能化的身份似乎与无形的宗教信仰产生背道而驰的张力。这样是否叛离虔诚信众的“自身的升华与觉悟”的信仰?而这些保存在手机里的“花枝招展”的图片是否暴露了伪信徒的身份?而神和佛祖应对此期盼一笑而过仍爱世人?还是我们自身的修炼消除了业障,保佑了我们自己?
The development of "Idol worship" so far, from the idol: a mixture of soil and water to the widely circulated GIF images on mobile phone screens, which across diverse medias, integrates popular, civilian aesthetic, colourful, "well-made, straight to the soul." Just praying for safety and fortune or wealth and fame, to give the 'idol' world value and hope, the functionalized identity as if the opposite to the invisible religious faith. Is it betray the belief in the "self-sublimation and consciousness" of the devout believers? And these "gorgeous" images that are saved in the mobile phones exposed the identity of the pseudo-believers? Do God and the Buddha should be expected to smile and still love the world when facing the expectations from human beings ? Or our own practice to eliminate the Karma barrier, bless our own?